

QUOカード使うことあんの?」(2011/12/10 (土) 11:25:57) の最新版変更点



<p>Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  The Comp-Fest is in the middle of a huge QUO-card giveaway.<br /></font><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  You know you've been collecting these QUO-cards forever.<br />   But I don't think I've ever seen you use them.<br /></font><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Hm? I don't use them.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  But why do you collect them then?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  When something comes up that's related to a show or a manga you like, don't you wanna have it as a collector and as a fan?</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Okay, but you are supposed to use those things, aren't you?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  You can't use them ever!<br />   You have to stow them someplace safe.<br />   It really pisses me off when I see all those people using those cards like common money.<br />   These are sacred things and they're mentally buying, carefully archived.<br />   And you're not supposed to use them, and it's out of the question to go on to auction them.<br />   If you do, you fail both as a fan and as a collector!</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#3366FF"><font color="#333399">  Okay, didn't you think you get so worked up about it.</font><br /></font><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Here's how I do it.<br />   I always get three cards for the collection.<br />   First off, I pull the most pristine one and lock it away for eternity in a special case.<br />   The second card is for me to keep so I can look at it every now and then.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  And the third one?<br /></font><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  It's a loaner.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  You're kidding.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Kagami, isn't it human nature to want two or three of something that you really really like.<br />   Come on, aren't you in the same way?<br /></font><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Huh?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Fine, whatever. So you don't.<br />   I'm an otaku. I'm totally weird. I'm a weirdo.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  No, I, I didn't say that.<br />   I think I sorta know what you're saying, I guess.</font></p>
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