

処刑」(2011/12/17 (土) 16:16:23) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><font color="#000000">Royal Guard :</font><font color="#808000">What an appropriate location for a terrorist to meet his end.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">You scum.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Royal Guard :</font><font color="#808000">Still, you did well for a student, but that's to be expected.<br />                          You’re a Britannian.<br />                          Unfortunately, my clever young friend, you have no future.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">C.C. :</font><font color="#99CC00">He mustn’t die.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">You shot her.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Royal Guard :</font><font color="#808000">Our orders were to bring her back alive if possible.<br />                         Oh well, nothing can be done about it now.<br />                         We’ll tell our superiors that the Royal Guard found the terrorist hide-out and killed them all. Regrettably the female hostage had already been tortured to death.<br />                         What do you think, schoolboy?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">How can this be happening?<br />                  First Suzaku's killed, and this girl.<br />                  Now, I'm about to die.<br />                  Before I've had a chance to do a single thing with my life.<br />                  It's gone in a heartbeat.<br />                  Nunnally-!</font></p> <p><br /><font color="#000000">C.C. :</font><font color="#99CC00">You don’t want it to end here, do you?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">What?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">C.C. :</font><font color="#99CC00">You appear to have a reason for living.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">The girl? That’s impossible.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">C.C. :</font><font color="#99CC00">If I grant you power, could you go on?<br />            I propose a deal. In exchange for this power you must agree to make my one wish come true.<br />            Accept this contract and you accept its conditions.<br />            While living in the world of humans, you will live unlike any other.<br />            A different providence. A different time. A different life.<br />            The power of the king will condemn you to a life of solitude.<br />            Are you prepared for this?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Emperor :</font><font color="#333399">A convergence with the Ragnarok connection?<br />                   So the myth is beginning once again?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">Yes, I hereby accept the terms of your contract!</font></p> <p><br /><font color="#000000">Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">Say...how should a Britannian who detests his own country live his life?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Royal Guard :</font><font color="#808000">Are you some kind of radical?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">What's wrong?<br />                 Why not shoot?<br />                 Your opponent is just a schoolboy.<br />                 Or have you finally realized?<br />                 The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Royal Guard :</font><font color="#808000">What's happening here?!</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">Lelouch : </font><font color="#800080">I, Lelouch vi Britannia, command you...now all of you...die!</font></p> <p><br /><font color="#000000">Royal Guard :</font><font color="#808000">Happily, Your Highness!<br />                          Fire!</font></p> <p><font color="#000000"> <br /> Lelouch :</font><font color="#800080">That was the turning point.<br />                 Since that day, I've lived a lie. The lie of living. My name too was a lie. My personal history, a lie. Nothing but lies.<br />                 I was sick to death of a world that couldn’t be changed.<br />                 But even in my lies, I refused to give up in despair.<br />                 But now this incredible power... it's mine...</font></p> <p><font color="#800080">                Well then...<br /></font></p> </div>
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