

チョココロネってどこから食べる?」(2011/12/10 (土) 01:24:56) の最新版変更点



<p>Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Hey, Tsukasa, which end of a choco-cornet do you eat first?</font></p> <p>Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#CC33CC">  Huh?<br />   Um, I think I start at the head.</font></p> <p>Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Really.</font><br /><font color="#3366FF">  So which side of this thing is the head anyway, the fat part or the skinny?</font></p> <p>Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#CC33CC">  I always thought that this end of it, this thin one was the head.</font></p> <p>Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Oh, see, I always thought the fatter end was the head.<br />   So, why do you think the thinner end's the head?</font></p> <p>Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#CC33CC">  Doesn't it look like a seashell?<br />   Why do you think it's the fatter end?</font></p> <p>Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  I always thought it looked more like a caterpillar.</font></p> <p>Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#CC33CC">  A caterpillar?</font></p> <p>Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Yeah, but when you think about it, I guess the seashell has a much better image.</font></p> <p><br /> Miyuki:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Um... You know?<br />   There is another way to eat it.<br />   Tear off the thin end and dip it in the chocolate cream on the fat end.</font></p> <p>Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#CC33CC">  Good idea!</font></p> <p>Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Hip gee, sure you know that.<br />   You're so smart, Miyuki-san!`</font></p> <p>Miyuki:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Well, not really, everyone has their own way of eating one.</font></p> <p><a href="http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/222.html">&lt;&lt;previous</a>  <a href="http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/224.html">next&gt;&gt;</a></p> <hr /><p>Hip gee:<span style="word-spacing:0px;font-family:Arial;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:13px;line-height:18px;text-transform:none;color:rgb(51,51,51);text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;border-collapse:separate;" class="Apple-style-span">物知り、頼りになる人、信用できる人</span><br /> not really: そんなことはない</p>
<br /><p>新しいサイトでは、らき☆すたスクリプト揃ってます</p>




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