

みんな」(2011/12/14 (水) 22:38:40) の最新版変更点



<p>Everyone<br /><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  3661, huh?</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  Okay, but I can't really say whether this number is lucky or not.</span><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Sure turned out to be a nice day.</span><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  It certainly has.</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Do you think this one's open today?</span><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  This one looks fun too.</span><br style="color:rgb(0,102,0);" /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Oh, yeah, what about that one?</span><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Chiyo-chan, are you excited?</span><br style="color:rgb(204,153,51);" /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  Yes! Let's ride that big roller coaster we rode on last time!</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  All right!</span><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Y'all are brave.</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  Hey!</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Oh, Yomi, didn't know you were here.</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  You were serious about going to Magical Land immediately after the announcement was made?!</span><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  We didn't have a choice.</span><br style="color:rgb(0,102,0);" /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  This is the only time that worked for everyone.</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Don't worry, we've already thought of what to say to comfort you.</span><br style="color:rgb(153,153,0);" /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Right?</span><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Oh, yeah, did you make sure to bring that good luck charm?</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  Yeah.</span><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Lemme see it for a sec.</span><br style="color:rgb(204,153,51);" /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  I'll put my power into it one last time...</span><br style="color:rgb(204,153,51);" /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  Chiyo-chan, please imbue it with the power that got even Tomo into college!</span><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  Yes!</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Yomi, I looked but I didn't see your number.</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  No!</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  She's still in the middle of imbuing it with her power!</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  You weren't supposed to...</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  You weren't supposed to look!</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  Huh? What's the...</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  It's there.</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  It's there!</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  It's there, it's there!</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  It's there!</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  It's there! It's there! It's there!</span><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  Congratulations! Miss Yomi!</span><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Happy day!</span><br style="color:rgb(204,153,51);" /><br /> Kagura:<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  Good job, Yomi!</span><br /><br /> Sakaki:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,204,0);">  I knew it.</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  Thank you so much.</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  Thank you, everyone.</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Yomi!</span><br style="color:rgb(153,153,0);" /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  You did awesome!</span><br style="color:rgb(153,153,0);" /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Argh...</span><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  Let's hoist her!</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Good idea!</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  Tha... that's okay.</span><br style="color:rgb(51,153,153);" /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Let's go!</span><br style="color:rgb(153,153,0);" /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  No! Yomi's too heavy, so let's do Chiyo-chan!</span><br /><br /> Yomi, Chiyo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  What?!</span><br /><br /> Everyone:<br />   Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!<br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Okay, who's ready to have some fun now?!</span><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  Won't this be great, Miss Sakaki?</span><br /><br /> Sakaki:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,204,0);">  Yeah.</span><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  We're gonna have fun today!</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Off we go!</span><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Hey, wait! How we get in there?</span><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  We've got to head the train station first, right?</span><br style="color:rgb(0,102,0);" /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  Hey, Sakaki, let's have a race to the station?</span><br style="color:rgb(0,102,0);" /><br /> Sakaki:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,204,0);">  No, I... uh...</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  I think I'm gonna ride a roller coaster first thing.</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Oh? You'll probably pee your pants, Yomi.</span><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><span style="color:rgb(51,153,153);">  I'll be fine.</span><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Sure if you say so?</span><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,102,0);">  Hey, I heard they've built a brand-new one.</span><br /><br /> Everyone:<br />   Yeah.<br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Aren't they supposed to be scary though?</span><br style="color:rgb(204,153,51);" /><br /> Tomo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  Woohoo!</span><br style="color:rgb(153,153,0);" /><span style="color:rgb(153,153,0);">  All right, let's ride that one!</span><br style="color:rgb(153,153,0);" /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  I see...</span><br style="color:rgb(255,0,0);" /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  Even if we've graduated...</span><br style="color:rgb(255,0,0);" /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  We'll still be together.</span><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Chiyo-chan!</span><br style="color:rgb(204,153,51);" /><span style="color:rgb(204,153,51);">  Come on, Chiyo-chan! It's time to go.</span><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">  Okay!</span></p>




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