

腹減った・・・」(2011/12/16 (金) 21:57:18) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><strong>Narration:</strong><br /> My child, *heed my words.<br /> The story I'm about to tell you is a very important one.<br /> It *entails a long long journey *undertaken by the parent and passed on to the child, continuing from generation to generation without end.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I'm *starving......<br /><br /><strong>Child ①:</strong><br /> Man, am I hungry!<br /><br /><strong>Child ②:</strong><br /> Yah, you've already told us that !<br /><br /><strong>Child ③:</strong><br /> Why are you walking so slow?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Hey, you guys!<br /> Do you kids have any idea how much *ramens cost you guys these days?<br /> I'm absolutely starving right now, and I would like nothing more than to have some delicious ramen in my *belly.<br /> Unfortunately, I don't have any money, what I do have is a fun little puppet show that you can pay me for before you go home. OK kiddies?<br /><br /> What do you think? Didn't I tell you?<br /> Isn't that great? Worth a couple of *bucks?<br /><br /><strong>Child ①:</strong><br /> What's with that *filthy little doll!<br /><br /><strong>Child ②:</strong><br /> You...<br /><br /><strong>Child ③:</strong><br /> Don't it do anything else?<br /><br /><strong>Child ④:</strong><br /> This thing's stupid!<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Aren't you kids just the best.<br /> Seriously, you guys can pay me whatever you think it's worth.<br /><br /><strong>Child ①:</strong><br /> I'm sorry, but that puppet is totally nasty.<br /><br /><strong>Child ②:</strong><br /> Why would anybody pay money to look at that *dumb thing.<br /> Are you out of your mind, Mister.?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> O-kay!<br /><br /><strong>Child ②:<br /></strong>Run, you guys!<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Oh! That's just *great!<br /> Get back here!</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語 句]<br /> heed:~に気を付ける、~を気に掛ける、注意を払う、~を心に留める、聞き入れる<br /> entail:~を伴う、必要とする、引き起こす、課す<br /> undertake:〔義務・責任・仕事・地位などを〕引き受ける、請け負う、企てる、始める、~に着手する<br /> starve:とても空腹である、飢え死にする、餓死する、飢える、渇望する<br /> ramen:ラーメン<br /> belly:腹、胃、食欲<br /> buck:〈米〉ドル、金<br /> filthy:〔物・衣服などが〕汚い、汚れた、不潔な<br /> dumb:頭が悪い、ばかな、あほな、間抜けな、常識のない<br /> great:〈話〉素晴らしい〔皮肉〕、たまらない、ひどい、つまらない</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><font color="#3366FF"><strong><br /> Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Get away from my ramen!<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Good afternoon.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> What's with this girl?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> *You're all by yourself?<br /> Hot today, isn't it?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> What is she after? Money?<br /> I don't have any money.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> *I bet you're really thirsty.<br /> I'll go get you something.<br /><br /> Here you go....<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Have a nice trip?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Gao....<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> *Extra Thick Peach Nectar?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Why would you go and do something like that?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> *Tryna make a fool of me?<br /> What do you want?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Why would I *be mean to you?<br /> I think this *stuff is delicious.</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語 句]<br /> You're all by yourself?:お一人ですか?(all by oneself:自分だけで、独力で、水入らず)<br /> I bet~:きっと~だ。/~に違いない。/さては~だな。<br /> Extra Thick Peach Nectar:どろり濃厚ピーチ味(nectar:果汁、おいしい飲み物、花みつ)<br /> tryna:=trying to<br /> be mean to~:~に対して意地悪だ(mean:意地悪な、不親切な)<br /> stuff:〈話〉物、代物、事柄</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><strong><font color="#FF0000"><br /> Misuzu:</font></strong><br /> Do you wanna go to the beach?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> What for?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> 'Cause I wanna play.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Ah?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Yesterday, I saw some kids playing on the beach.<br /> Looked like fun.<br /> And when I was watching you sleep, I thought it might be nice to go down to the beach and play when you woke up.<br /> Don't you think that that would be nice?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> You... watched me sleep?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Oh, you've been sleeping there since yesterday, right?<br /> I poked you a couple of times to try to wake you up, but it didn't look like you were going to anytime soon...<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I guess I was so hungry I didn't really notice.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Where are you going now?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> To work.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Oh, really? What do you do?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I perform a puppet show--<br /> It's gone.</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Is it really that important?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I need it to make a living.<br /> Look, it's hot out here.<br /> You've looked long enough.<br /> So go home.<br /><br /> There it is!<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Mr. Crow!<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I want the doll, not the crow!<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Wasn't that wonderful?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Yeah, I guess so...<br /> I think I owe you one.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> So that means we can go play on the beach now?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> ...what are you after?<br /> *How come you've been *hanging around me all day?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> I told you I just wanna play on the beach.<br /> We can run on the sand or splash water at each other--<br /> And then at the end of the day, we'll say "See you tomorrow!"...and then we'll go our separate ways.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> ...it almost sounds like being friends or something.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> That's right, friends!<br /> You be friends with me, and me with you.<br /><br /> Anyway... let's go play, okay?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> We can't be friends, as we don't even know each other's names.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Oh, well... mine's Misuzu Kamio. What's your name?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> ...I'm Yukito Kunisaki-- But listen!<br /> I don't have time to play around!<br /> ...I've got to earn some money so I can get something to eat.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Oh, if that's all you need...</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語 句]<br /> How come~?:=Why~?<br /> hang around:〔当てもなく辺りを〕ぶらつく、たむろする、付きまとう、無為に過ごす</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> So I *ended up following her home, *lured by the sort of food...<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> It's nice to have someone to eat with, huh?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Do you usually eat alone?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> My mom usually comes home really late, and I don't have a dad.<br /> Once you finish your dinner, can we go play?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Nah, I've got to find a place to stay before it gets dark.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> You don't know where you're going to spend the night?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Oh, I'll probably just be sleeping on the *seawall.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Why don't you stay here?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Look, kid, you just met me a couple hours ago.<br /> You don't have any idea who I am, or where I came from or anything.<br /> I'm a total stranger.<br /> You must be out of your mind.<br /> What would your mother say if she knew you asked me that?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> She wouldn't care.<br /> My mother's really *hands-off, so she wouldn't say anything.<br /> I guess I shouldn't really be talking about my mom like that.<br /> ...But really, it's totally okay if you stay here.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I don't have the energy to play with you right now.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Okay, we can play tomorrow then, I understand.<br /> It's summer vacation, so I have lots of time to play.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I don't think so.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Oh,Gao...<br /><br /> Hey, why do you think they make us learn math anyway?<br /> Do you think I'll really need *quadratic equations when I grow up?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Quiet.<br /> If you want me to help you with your homework, you gotta let me concentrate, all right?<br /> ....And *sit up straight.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> You know, you [sounded / sound] just like my mom when you said that.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I did?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Uh-huh.<br /> I think that might be her.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> That's your mom?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Sounds like she ran into the *shed again.<br /> Don't worry.<br /> She's Okay.<br /> It happens all the time.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Hey, you sure it's Okay for me to be here?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Uh-huh.<br /> I can smooth it over with her.</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語 句]<br /> end up~:結局~になる<br /> lure:誘惑する、おびき寄せる<br /> seawall:護岸{ごがん}<br /> hands-off:〔人にやりたいようにやらせて〕口出ししない、無干渉(主義)の、不干渉(主義)<br /> quadratic equation:《数学》二次方程式<br /> sit up:きちんと[姿勢正しく・ちゃんと]座る<br /> shed:納屋、小屋、物置、落ちる、脱皮する、抜け落ちる、噴出させる、流す、発する、削減する</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> OH YEAH?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> This isn't how you told me it would be.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!<br /> Why on earth do you think I'll let some strangers stay here in my house?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Um... Gao...<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> I'm tired of telling you to stop making that noise.<br /> Now I want to know how you know my Misuzu.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Uhh....we're classmates.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> Yeah?<br /> You're kind of old to be in school with her, aren't you?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Don't fall for me.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> IN YOUR DREAMS, pretty boy!<br /> Okay, it seems like you've got some *self-confidence, and I can kind of admire you for that.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> That's right, and Yukito's a really nice guy too.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> All right then, he can stay here.<br /><br /><strong><font color="#3366FF">Yukito:</font></strong><br /> Seriously?<br /><br /><strong><font color="#00FF00">Haruko:</font></strong><br /> Shut up before I change my mind!<br /> But there're going to be two conditions, all right?<br /> First, you sleep in the shed, and second, you drink with me.</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語 句]<br /> self-confidence:自信、うぬぼれ</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><font color="#FF0000"><strong><br /> Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Uh...<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> And then in the end, this is... this is what the guy said to me, listen.<br /> He said, "well *hon, I guess maybe I was the one who fell in love with you."<br /> So, *at that point I kind of figured that I'd already won.<br /> And I said to him, *"you just threw back a mermaid, baby?"<br /> OH MAN, you should've seen his face he couldn't believe I offed him like that.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> She always [ends / end] up like this?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> She's *in top form tonight.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> Hey *freeloader, how come you're looking so dumb in the mouth, huh?<br /> Why don't you join in on the fun with me, okay?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Ouch!<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Yukito!!<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> What are you talking about... just what do you want me to do.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> *Take your pick sweetheart, an erotic *confession or a special talent, either one works for me.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Okay, I got you.<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Hey, it's your doll *thingie.<br /> Wow, that's great!<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> This is how I earn my living. My mother taught me.<br /> She used to be a traveling puppeteer, too.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> When does it do something funny?<br /> BORING!<br /> Where's the showmanship? huh?<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> I think it's amazing and it's kind of magical, you know?<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> Who wants magic?<br /> If this little guy did something funny, it wouldn't matter if his strings were showing or not.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Good night....<br /><br /><font color="#FF0000"><strong>Misuzu:</strong></font><br /> Oh no, you hurt his feelings then he is going to bed.<br /><br /><strong><font color="#00FF00">Haruko:</font></strong><br /> Oh come on, so you're a hack, there's no shame in that.<br /> Sit back down, have another drink.</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語 句]<br /> hon:〈話〉〔親しい人への呼び掛けに用いる〕あなた、君◆【語源】honeyの短縮形<br /> at that point:あの時、その時<br /> "You just threw back a mermaid, baby?":逃がした魚は人魚やで。(throw back:投げ返す、mermaid:人魚)<br /> in top form:元気な、絶好調である、絶好のコンディションで<br /> freeloader:〈話〉寄食する人、たかり屋、居候する人、〔サーバなどを〕ただで使わせてもらっている人<br /> Take your pick.:適当に選んでください。お好きなものをどうぞ。<br /> confession:〔罪の〕告白、白状<br /> thingie:=thingy〈話〉あれ、(例の)やつ、変なの、一物、ナニ、ブツ</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><font color="#00FF00"><strong><br /> Haruko:</strong></font><br /> My name is Haruko, by the way. Haruko Kamio.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Why don't you hit me again, grandma?<br /><br /><strong><font color="#00FF00">Haruko:</font></strong><br /> I just told you my name so don't call me that? alright?<br /> You dumb? or do you just act that way?<br /> Grandma...geez.<br /><br /> So...you a runaway or something?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I'm... traveling.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> You're not just wandering, you're going towards a goal, right?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Maybe?<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> You are such a young man.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Well, compared to you.<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> You know, I think you're a pretty funny guy.<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> I am, huh?<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> I got a pretty good eye when it comes to men and I don't think I mind it one bit if you stuck around for a little while.<br /> Would you do me a favor, though?<br /> Could you look after her for me?<br /> Maybe you've noticed, there's something a little bit off about her sometimes.<br /> She gets a thought in her head, and she runs with it without thinking about the consequences, you know?<br /><br /><font color="#3366FF"><strong>Yukito:</strong></font><br /> Am I a babysitter?<br /><br /><font color="#00FF00"><strong>Haruko:</strong></font><br /> And if you could make her stop doing that *roar thing, you know what I'm talking about, she goes "Gao."<br /> She does it all the time, when she's frustrated, or about to cry.<br /> She thinks of it that sounds like a big dinosaur.<br /> She's crazy about dinosaurs, she's been into them ever since she was just a little thing.<br /> She's still a little thing, just a kid.</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語 句]<br /> wander:歩き回る、ぶらつく、はいかいする、さまよう<br /> roar:〔怒りや興奮などから来る大きく長く続く〕怒声、怒号、わめき声、叫び声、泣き声</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><br /> Yukito:<br /> Wait a minute, I thought it was a summer vacation.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> I have to take our remedial classes.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Is Haruko gone already?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Yeah, she leaves pretty early.<br /> I haven't had breakfast with someone in ages.<br /><br /> So what are you doing today Yukito?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Well, first I'm going to walk you to school.<br /> Your mom asked me to do it.<br /> She wanted me to make sure you didn't do anything damn, or whatever.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> She doesn't trust me at all, does she?<br /><br /> And it's done, I made you a map of the town.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Well, that didn't take you long.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> I drew it so you can see where there would be a bunch of people.<br /> That should help you when you go to work today, right?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Yeah, thanks a lot.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be in so much trouble.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> I'll pick you up after school, meet me here, Okay?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Okay.<br /><br /><br /> Bye!<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Oh... good grief.<br /> I'm in charge of a girl with severe brain damage.<br /><br /> What do you want?<br /> Are you supposed to be this town's legendary creature?<br /> Like some crazy wish granting puppy thing, whatever I do something nice, you'll give me a bunch of wishes.<br /> Okay, come up here. I'll show you some good.<br /> Isn't that so amazing that you want to give me seven wishes instead of your usual three?<br /><br /> HEY!! COME BACK!!<br /> That's right, just give it up now, you evil space creature.<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> What are you doing?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> I was trying to catch that weird little alien that ran away with my puppet.<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> You mean him? Potato isn't a weird little alien, you sillyhead.<br /> He's just our neighborhood stray puppy dog, that's all.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> What are you telling me that thing's like a dog, DOG?<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> I understand.<br /> I'm sorry, he must have caused you a lot of trouble.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Why are you apologizing?<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> Well Potato says he brought your puppet here and you seem really mad, he only wanted to play with you.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> You mean you can understand that little thief?<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> Well yeah, we're best friends. Right Potato?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Okay, just when I thought this planet could get any weirder...<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> Here you go.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Thanks a lot.<br /> Did you hurt your wrist or something?<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> Oh! This? No,NO, It's just----------<br /> I'm sorry, but that's a secret!<br /><br /> I'm Kano Kirishima. Who are you?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Yukito Kunisaki.<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> I'm guessing you might have some free time right now.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Well.....<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> Yeah! see, you're like citizen number two on the intergalactic planet Dilly-Dally!<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Number two..? Who's number one?<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> That's me, and Potato here is citizen number three.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> And what do the Dilly-Dallyans do all day?<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> They don't do anything.<br /> That is the sad fate of the men and women of Dilly-Dally.<br /> Isn't that right, Potato?<br /><br /> Well, I should be getting to school.<br /> So I'll say good-bye for now.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> I thought you had nothing to do on your planet!<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> Are you kidding? I was just playing around!<br /> You crazy or what?<br /> See ya!<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> I wonder if every girl who wears that uniform is a total wacko.<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> HEY!<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Yes ma'am?<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> Did you ever wish you could do magic?<br /> You know, like when you were a little kid?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Huh?<br /><br /> Kano:<br /> I think I confused him.<br /> So long!<br /><br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Oh, hey there Yukito.<br /> So, how did it go at work today?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> I made a million bucks!<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Oh my gosh! Really?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Umm....no, not really.<br /> I have to find a place where more people gather around or I'm never going to make any money.<br /> I mean, why is this place so quiet?<br /> Where are all the people coming home from work?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Well, this train station's been closed for over a year now.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> You could've told me that earlier.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Gao..,<br /> Hey, what did you do that for?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Your mom want you to stop doing that dinosaur Gao thing,<br /> so she told me to correct you if you did it again.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Oh, look at that, it's a bubble.<br /> It's Minagi.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Do you know her?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Mm-hm.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> What's wrong with you, Misuzu?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Hello.<br /><br /> Minagi:<br /> I wasn't expecting to see you here today.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Yeah.This is a quite coincidence. Pretty strange, huh?<br /> What are you doing out here by yourself?<br /><br /> Minagi:<br /> Getting a little sun.<br /> I'm only kidding. Because, as you can see, it's evening right now.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Okay, who the heck is this girl?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Minagi Tohno. She is my classmate.<br /> She is really smart. She is at top of our grade.<br /> And she is the president of the astronomy club.<br /><br /> Minagi:<br /> If you ever wish to say my name,<br /> I prefer Tohono rather than Minagi, please.<br /><br />  <br /><br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> Hey!  Minagi!<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Oh, Yukito is flying like a leaf on a windy day.<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> Hey!  Let's hurry up and blow some more bubbles before it gets dark.<br /> Because I've been practicing and I'm really good, okay?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> I didn't know you had a little sister, Minagi.<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> I'm not her sister. I'm Michiru, Minagi's best friend.<br /> How do you two know each other?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> The two of us go to school together.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Uh, It hurts, you little squirt?<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> Oh, are you another one of  Minagi's classmate?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> No,I'm the innocent bystander that you just plowed into.<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> I know your type!<br /> This guy's just a pervert who likes kidnapping and girls who are kids.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> I feel so included right now...<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> What'd you call me?<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> Oh no. He's angry.<br /> We are girls in danger.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Oh, that must've hurt.<br /><br /> Minagi:<br /> You haven't introduced me to your friend.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Yukito Kunisaki.<br /> He's a traveler, but he's staying with me and my mom, and sleeping in our shed.<br /><br /> Minagi:<br /> I see. A traveler.<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> Oh, so you're not just a pervert kidnapper, you're a homeless vagrant too?<br /><br /> Minagi:<br /> Miss Kamio, I think we'd better be going.<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> What?<br /> But I was getting really good at blowing bubbles and I wanted show you.<br /> Kami-Kami can join us if she wants too.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Kami-Kami , is that me?<br /><br /> Minagi:<br /> It's getting pretty dark out here.<br /> So why don't we just come back tomorrow?<br /> I can pack a nice lunch for us if you like.<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> Bye!!  See you, Kamio.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> Bye!  Nice to meet you.<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> Oh, and Yukito.<br /> You leave the little girls alone. Hear me?<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Would you<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> Hey, hey.<br /> Will you make me a hamburger for lunch tomorrow?<br /><br /> Minagi:<br /> Sure.<br /><br /> Michiru:<br /> You will?  Wow.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Did I do something wrong to that pipsqueak?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> I don't know.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> I didn't make a dime off  that puppet show today.<br /> Hey, you were standing just like that yesterday when I first saw you.<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> It's kind of funny.<br /> I always wondered what it would feel like to be in the sky.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> How come?<br /><br /> Misuzu:<br /> I don't know. I...<br /> I always had this feeling like there is another me up there.<br /> Isn't that a romantic thought?<br /> That the real you is up in the sky.<br /> It must be amazing, you could see forever into the distance.<br /> Everything on the ground would look so insginificant.<br /> You probably feel very loving, or no, may be not loving exactly, but gentle and calm.<br /><br /> Yukito:<br /> Misuzu, is it you?<br /><br /> That was the beginning of the summer that, for me,<br /> seemed as short as a twinkling of a star, yet as long... as all eternity.</p> </div> <p><a href="http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/174.html"><font color="#3366FF"><u>next&gt;&gt;</u></font></a></p>




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