server > main.c > main


server/main.c/main」(2010/06/30 (水) 21:04:22) の最新版変更点



int main(int argc, const char * const argv[]) { char c; int configtestonly = 0; const char *confname = SERVER_CONFIG_FILE; const char *def_server_root = HTTPD_ROOT; const char *temp_error_log = NULL; process_rec *process; server_rec *server_conf; apr_pool_t *pglobal; apr_pool_t *pconf; apr_pool_t *plog; /* Pool of log streams, reset _after_ each read of conf */ apr_pool_t *ptemp; /* Pool for temporary config stuff, reset often */ apr_pool_t *pcommands; /* Pool for -D, -C and -c switches */ apr_getopt_t *opt; apr_status_t rv; module **mod; const char *optarg; APR_OPTIONAL_FN_TYPE(ap_signal_server) *signal_server; AP_MONCONTROL(0); /* turn off profiling of startup */ process = init_process(&argc, &argv); pglobal = process->pool; pconf = process->pconf; ap_server_argv0 = process->short_name; #if APR_CHARSET_EBCDIC if (ap_init_ebcdic(pglobal) != APR_SUCCESS) { destroy_and_exit_process(process, 1); } #endif apr_pool_create(&pcommands, pglobal); apr_pool_tag(pcommands, "pcommands"); ap_server_pre_read_config = apr_array_make(pcommands, 1, sizeof(char *)); ap_server_post_read_config = apr_array_make(pcommands, 1, sizeof(char *)); ap_server_config_defines = apr_array_make(pcommands, 1, sizeof(char *)); ap_setup_prelinked_modules(process); ap_run_rewrite_args(process); /* Maintain AP_SERVER_BASEARGS list in http_main.h to allow the MPM * to safely pass on our args from its rewrite_args() handler. */ apr_getopt_init(&opt, pcommands, process->argc, process->argv); while ((rv = apr_getopt(opt, AP_SERVER_BASEARGS, &c, &optarg)) == APR_SUCCESS) { char **new; switch (c) { case 'c': new = (char **)apr_array_push(ap_server_post_read_config); *new = apr_pstrdup(pcommands, optarg); break; case 'C': new = (char **)apr_array_push(ap_server_pre_read_config); *new = apr_pstrdup(pcommands, optarg); break; case 'd': def_server_root = optarg; break; case 'D': new = (char **)apr_array_push(ap_server_config_defines); *new = apr_pstrdup(pcommands, optarg); break; case 'e': if (strcasecmp(optarg, "emerg") == 0) { ap_default_loglevel = APLOG_EMERG; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "alert") == 0) { ap_default_loglevel = APLOG_ALERT; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "crit") == 0) { ap_default_loglevel = APLOG_CRIT; } else if (strncasecmp(optarg, "err", 3) == 0) { ap_default_loglevel = APLOG_ERR; } else if (strncasecmp(optarg, "warn", 4) == 0) { ap_default_loglevel = APLOG_WARNING; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "notice") == 0) { ap_default_loglevel = APLOG_NOTICE; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "info") == 0) { ap_default_loglevel = APLOG_INFO; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "debug") == 0) { ap_default_loglevel = APLOG_DEBUG; } else { usage(process); } break; case 'E': temp_error_log = apr_pstrdup(process->pool, optarg); break; case 'X': new = (char **)apr_array_push(ap_server_config_defines); *new = "DEBUG"; break; case 'f': confname = optarg; break; case 'v': printf("Server version: %s\n", ap_get_server_version()); printf("Server built: %s\n", ap_get_server_built()); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 0); case 'V': show_compile_settings(); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 0); case 'l': ap_show_modules(); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 0); case 'L': ap_show_directives(); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 0); case 't': configtestonly = 1; break; case 'S': configtestonly = 1; new = (char **)apr_array_push(ap_server_config_defines); *new = "DUMP_VHOSTS"; break; case 'h': case '?': usage(process); } } /* bad cmdline option? then we die */ if (rv != APR_EOF || opt->ind < opt->argc) { usage(process); } apr_pool_create(&plog, pglobal); apr_pool_tag(plog, "plog"); apr_pool_create(&ptemp, pconf); apr_pool_tag(ptemp, "ptemp"); /* Note that we preflight the config file once * before reading it _again_ in the main loop. * This allows things, log files configuration * for example, to settle down. */ ap_server_root = def_server_root; if (temp_error_log) { ap_replace_stderr_log(process->pool, temp_error_log); } server_conf = ap_read_config(process, ptemp, confname, &ap_conftree); if (ap_run_pre_config(pconf, plog, ptemp) != OK) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_STARTUP |APLOG_ERR, 0, NULL, "Pre-configuration failed"); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 1); } ap_process_config_tree(server_conf, ap_conftree, process->pconf, ptemp); ap_fixup_virtual_hosts(pconf, server_conf); ap_fini_vhost_config(pconf, server_conf); apr_hook_sort_all(); if (configtestonly) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_STARTUP, 0, NULL, "Syntax OK"); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 0); } signal_server = APR_RETRIEVE_OPTIONAL_FN(ap_signal_server); if (signal_server) { int exit_status; if (signal_server(&exit_status, pconf) != 0) { destroy_and_exit_process(process, exit_status); } } apr_pool_clear(plog); if ( ap_run_open_logs(pconf, plog, ptemp, server_conf) != OK) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_STARTUP |APLOG_ERR, 0, NULL, "Unable to open logs"); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 1); } if ( ap_run_post_config(pconf, plog, ptemp, server_conf) != OK) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_STARTUP |APLOG_ERR, 0, NULL, "Configuration Failed"); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 1); } apr_pool_destroy(ptemp); for (;;) { apr_hook_deregister_all(); apr_pool_clear(pconf); for (mod = ap_prelinked_modules; *mod != NULL; mod++) { ap_register_hooks(*mod, pconf); } /* This is a hack until we finish the code so that it only reads * the config file once and just operates on the tree already in * memory. rbb */ ap_conftree = NULL; apr_pool_create(&ptemp, pconf); apr_pool_tag(ptemp, "ptemp"); ap_server_root = def_server_root; server_conf = ap_read_config(process, ptemp, confname, &ap_conftree); if (ap_run_pre_config(pconf, plog, ptemp) != OK) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_STARTUP |APLOG_ERR, 0, NULL, "Pre-configuration failed"); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 1); } ap_process_config_tree(server_conf, ap_conftree, process->pconf, ptemp); ap_fixup_virtual_hosts(pconf, server_conf); ap_fini_vhost_config(pconf, server_conf); apr_hook_sort_all(); apr_pool_clear(plog); if (ap_run_open_logs(pconf, plog, ptemp, server_conf) != OK) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_STARTUP |APLOG_ERR, 0, NULL, "Unable to open logs"); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 1); } if (ap_run_post_config(pconf, plog, ptemp, server_conf) != OK) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_STARTUP |APLOG_ERR, 0, NULL, "Configuration Failed"); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 1); } apr_pool_destroy(ptemp); apr_pool_lock(pconf, 1); ap_run_optional_fn_retrieve(); if (ap_mpm_run(pconf, plog, server_conf)) break; apr_pool_lock(pconf, 0); } apr_pool_lock(pconf, 0); destroy_and_exit_process(process, 0); return 0; /* Termination 'ok' */ }

