名前 No. デッキ コスト 条件 得点 Bonus 移動 かまど パン 効果
Almanac 61 G 木1石1 When you play this card, immediately take the Field and Breeding phases of a Harvest on your farmyard.
Animal Farm 62 G 木1 2 Animal Types Once per round, you may return 1 of your animals to the supply for a Gest token, which you place this round as you would a Family member. (The Guest represents the animal)
Baking Field 63 G 2 Occupations & 1 Baking Improvement When you Sow, you can plant Grain on this card as you would on a field. When harvesting, you must immediately Bake this field's harvested Grain. (This card does not count as a field when scoring.)
Bartering Hut 64 G When you play this card, immediately buy up to 2 (some or different) animals from the general supply. Pay any 2 building resources for each Sheep, any 3 for each Wild boar, and any 4 for each Cattle.
Beehive Oven 65 G 石2 1 Whenever you use the "Bake bread" action, you can use the Beehive Oven to convert up to 1 Grain into 4 Food. Whenever you Bake 1 or more Grain into bread without using the Beehive Oven, you receive 1 additional Food. When you play this card, you can immediately take the "Bake bread" action.
Birthstone 66 G Whenever you grow your family, you may pay 1 Stone for 1 Bonus point. When you play Birthstone, you may immediately do this for any new Family that you already received this round.
Bountiful Harvest 67 G 2 Occupations If you harvest at least 2 resources and breed at least 1 animal during a Harvest, place 1 Food from the supply on this card. You may use this Food at any time. At the end of the game, you receive 1 Bonus point for each Food on this card.
Chronicle 68 G 木2/レ2 1 Occupation Place 1 Food on each remaining Major Improvement on the Major Improvements Board. When these Improvements are acquired, you receive the Food.
Clear Cutting 69 G 木1 1 Occupation Whenever you Plow 1 or more fields, you receive 1 Wood from the supply for each field you just plowed.
Corral 70 G 木3 1 Occupation You may keep up to 2 animals of the same type on each unsowed field orthogonally adjacent to your home. Different Corrals may hold different types of animals. At the end of the game, you receive 1 Bonus point for each of these fields that holds at least 1 animal.
Cow Bell 71 G レ1 You may keep up to 2 Cattle on each Unused space on your farmyard, to a maximum of 4 Cattle. (The spaces still count as unused.)
Dunghill 72 G 木1 2 Occupations Whenever you have 2/3 different types of animals at the beginning of the Field phase, you may add 1 more resource on 1/2 of your planted fields ( or planted cards). (Animal cards like House Goat don't count, but animals kept on cards do.)
Errant Oven 73 G When you play this card, immediately take the "Bake bread" action.
Extra Effort 74 G 飯1 When you play this card, immediately build a Major Improvement.(Pay costs for the Improvement normally).
Farmers Market 75 G 飯2 When you play this card, you receive 1 Vegetable.
Gardening Tools 76 G 木2 Whenever another player Sows, you may pay 1 Food to the supply to immediately take a "Sow" action.
Gimlet 77 G 木1レ1 1 Pay 1 less Wood/Clay/Stone for each Wood/Clay Stone room.Each round you build stables, pay 1 less Wood for up to 2 stables.
Grain Market 78 G 3 Grain Fields 1 Whenever you harvest at least 1 Grain, you may immediately afterward exchange 1 Grain from your personal supply for 1 Vegetable.
Hammer 79 G When you play this card, immediately take a "Fences" action. Pay 1 Wood to every other player who has at least 1 fence.
Harvest Feast 80 G 3 Occupations 1 When you play this card, each may immediately move any amount of their planted resources to their personal supply.(This does not count as a harvest).
Hayloft 81 G 木1 At the end of the game, you receive 1/2 Bonus points for 3/4 stables.
Hired Helpers 82 G 飯1 Each round, you may place 1 Guest token as you would a Family member. If you do this, you must place 1 fewer person next round. You can not use this ability in consecutive rounds nor in Round 14.
Holidy Present 83 G 木1レ1 When you play this card, immediately either discard 1 Beginning card or take 1 animal ( of your choice) from the supply.
Horse Barn 84 G 1 Occupation Whenever you Sow, each field you Sow that is orthogonally adjacent to exactly 1 stable gets an additional 1 Grain or 1 Vegetable. Each field that is orthogonally adjacent to 2 or more stables, gets an additional 2 Grain or 2 Vegetables. (It does not matter if the stable is fences.)
Irrigation Canal 85 G 木1石1 1 Whenever you Plow a field that is orthogonally adjacent to a planted field, you may take 1 Grain or Vegetable from that field and Sow it immediately on the newly plowed field. Place 1 fewer Grain or Vegetable from the supply on the newly planted field.
Itinerant Laborers 86 G 飯1 When you play this card, immediately take a "Sow" action.
Magic Beans 87 G 牛1 When you play this card, you receive 2 Vegetables.
Meat Pie 88 G 麦2/畜1 1 Occupation Whenever you Bake 1 or more Grain into bread, you may pay 1 additional Grain and 1 animal for 3 Bonus points. When you play this card, you may also take the "Bake bread" action.
Migrant Workers 89 G 木2 1 Occupation Whenever you use the "Day Laborer" Action space, you may immediately afterward pay 1 Food to Plow 1 field.
Paddocks 90 G 1 Pasture & 1 Occupation When you play this card, immediately build ( at no cost) up to 4 fences within an existing pasture.
Pelt Roof 91 G 2 Occupations For each Wild boar, Cattle, or 2 Sheep you convert into Food, you may place 1 Reed from the general supply on this card. You may use this Reed to extend or renovate your home.
Pine Forest 92 G At the start of each round, you may place 1 Wood on this card if you have zero Wood in your supply. When this card has 5 Wood, move the Wood from this card to your supply. (You may not give Wood to the general supply for nothing.)
Plentiful Fields 93 G When you play this card, you receive 1 Food for each planted plowed field in your farmyard.
Potter's Wheel 94 G 木1 Whenever you convert 1 Clay into Food using the Pottery or Potter, you receive 1 additional Food. The Pottery is now a Minor Improvement for you.
Private Market 95 G 木1レ1 1 Once per round, you may exchange 2 Food for a building resource of your choice.
Private School 96 G 木3/レ3 1 This card is an additional Action Space for all players. Any player who uses the Private School must pay you 1 Food to play an Occupation. All players must still pay any additional costs for their occupation (Chief, Lover, etc).
Pulley 97 G 木2 1 Whenever you use the "Day Laborer" Action space you may immediately afterward build one room.(Pay costs for the room normally.)
Pumpkin Pie 98 G 麦2/野1 1 Whenever you bake 1 or mor Grain into bread, you may pay 1 additional Grain and 1 Vegetable for 3 Bonus points. When you play this card, you can also take the "Bake bread" action.
Reed Beds 99 G 木2 1 Occupation 1 Whenever you use the "Plow 1 Field" Action space, you receive 1 Reed.
Reed Sale 100 G 葦1 When you play this card, you receive 3 Food.
Remodeling 101 G 木1葦1 1 Stable When you play this card, immediately return a stable from your farmyard to your supply and extend your Wodden hut by 1 room. (The room does not cost anything, but you must pay the cost shown on this card.)
Sausage Grinder 102 G 石2 1 Whenever you convert animals into Food, you receive 1 additional Food for each animal.
Scythe 103 G 木1石1 1 Occupation 1 You may Sow fields even if already contain resources. Place the new resources on top of the existing ones. You cannot Sow different resources on a single field.
Seasonal Plants 104 G 1 Occupation Whenever you Sow during an even-numbered round, add 1 additional resource of the appropriate type to 1 field you just sowed.
Seed Spreader 105 G 木1レ1 Whenever you use the "Plow 1 field" Action space, you may immediately afterward Sow 1 Grain or 1 Vegetable.
Shared Wall 106 G 石1 2 Occupations Your home now creates a natural border for pasture(s). You may not extend your home into pastures created in this way. You may still build all 15 fences.
Sheepdog 107 G You may keep up to 2 Sheep on each Unused space in your farmyard. (The spaces still count as unused.) You may not keep any animal other than Sheep in your home. The Sheepdog must be fed 1 Food each Harvest. (You must beg if you don't have enough Food).
Sheep Market 108 G 木1 1 Occupation At the beginning of each Harvest, you may exchange 1 Grain or Vegetable for 1 Sheep. Alternatively, you may exchange 1 Sheep for 1 Grain or Vegetable.
Sheepskin Rug 109 G 羊1 At the end of the game, if you own a Fireplace, you receive 2 Bonus points.
Shovel 110 G 木1レ1 Whenever you use the "Day Laborer" Action space, you may immediately afterward take the "Sow" action.
Sickle 111 G 木1 At the end of the game, you receive 3 Bonus points if you have at least 5 plowed fields, 8 Grain and 4 Vegetables.(Planted Grain and Vegetables count).
Stone Crane 112 G 木2石2 2 Occupations 1 Whenever another player builds a room or renovates, you may immediately perform this action yourself ( without placing a Family member). Pay the costs using 1 less building resource of your choice.
Stonecutter's Hall 113 G 石2+木3/レ3/葦3 2 In each Harvest, you can use the Stonecutter's Hall to convert at most 1 Stone to 3 Food. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 Bonus points for 2/4/5 Stone.
Stone Kitchen 114 G 石3 2 At any time, you may convert goods to Food as follows: Vegetables:>4, Sheep:>2, Wild boar:>3, Cattle:>4. Whenever you use the "Bake bread" action, you may convert: Grain:>3
Fish Farm 115 G 1 Planted Field & 1 Occupation Whenever another player takes the "Fishing" action, you can take 1 Grain or Vegetable from each of your planted fields and place it in your personal supply. (This also applies to field cards.) This doesn't count as harvesting.
Tree House 116 G 木2葦1 3 Occupations Once you no longer live in a Wooden Hut, one of your rooms han hold an additional Family member.
Vegetable Scoop 117 G 木2 Whenever you use the "Take 1 Vegetable" action, you receive 1 additional Vegetable.
Winter Garden 118 G You may Sow 1 of your rooms as if it were 1 field. Whenever you have an animal in your home (including House Goat), move all resources planted in this room to the general supply. Harvest resources from your room as normal and additionally at the end of Round 6, 8, 10, and 12.
Wooden Bridge 119 G 木3 1 Whenever you use the "1 Reed" Action space, you receive 1 additional Food. Whenever you use the "Day Laborer" Action space, you receive 1 additional Reed.


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